Thursday, February 24, 2011

Apple to announce new iPads on March 2nd

Apple's teaser image for the March 2nd event.

After much speculation and rumor, it looks like Apple is finally ready to tell public what the iPad 2 will be all about. Will we get that rumored iPad Retina display upgrade? We'll find out, come March 2nd.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Infinite waterfall - a possible solution

I recently posted an interesting video of a seemingly infinite waterfall, but I'd like to bring it up again. Why? Because an endeavoring BoingBoing user has taken the time to present a possible solution to the problem.

The solution he presents is actually quite close to what I speculated in my earlier post. The only real difference between his solution and mine, is, I believe it could be done in one take, while he says it took two. However, until the author of the original video says otherwise, it will still remain a mystery.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Proper firework usage 101

In retrospect, lighting it off in the intersection, might have been a bad idea. At least they can look on the bright side (no pun intended), the burn marks on their vehicle will make for an interesting story to tell at parties.

Also of interest, is this crazy fireworks display, that was lit off of a swing set, and shockingly did not end in an ambulance ride. At least people take the time to film their dangerous stunts, so that we can see it all from the comfort of our homes. Kudos to you, YouTubers, for making our time online that much less boring!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New 4.5 inch LCD is more "Retina" than Apple's

And ad for Apple's Retina display

Move over Retina display, Hitachi has one-upped you with an amazing new display, capable of up to 1280 x 720 resolution on a mere 4.5 inch screen. This makes for a PPI of 329, giving it a slight edge over the 326 PPI of Apple's Retina display. Add to that the fact that Hitachi's display is larger, and I think we have a winner. Look forward to the first batch of phones using it sometime in 2012.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mind blowing-waterfall illusion, seemingly defies gravity

This video is amazing. I've watched it a half-dozen times, yet I still can't quite fathom how this works. The water does "appear" to be moving up the slope, but upon closer inspection, especially given the perspective you see it from, it also looks like the water is running across the floor at a parallel or slightly downward slope.

The part I can't figure out, is where the water goes once it reaches the end of the "track". It's possible that the "top" of the waterfall is a separate piece, placed in the foreground in such a way, as to appear to be connected to the slope on the floor, and that the water that flows off the "top" is pumped in from another source that's obscured from view. That's all speculation of course, but one thing's for sure, this is amazingly well done illusion.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Next iPhone may have hardware keyboard

A recent post on may offer us a hint at what's to come in the next generation of iPhone hardware. If their source is to be trusted, Apple is allegedly testing 3 prototypes of the iPhone 5, one with a hardware keyboard, and the other two with upgraded hardware.

This is a tantalizing rumor, however it seems unlikely that Apple would release such a device, especially given their stance in regards to hardware keyboards versus touchscreen ones. But one can always dream...


Sunday, February 13, 2011

More Xperia Play details revealed

It's been several weeks since the Xperia Play's unveiling, and Sony Ericsson has finally decided to spill the beans on the device, offering final specs, and further details. The phone will be released sometime this spring, running Android 2.3 (as previously rumored). It will also contain a 5.1 megapixel camera, and the usual mix of connection options, including 3G, Bluetooth 2.1, and WiFi 802.11n. For a full chart of the specs, which seem to be quite impressive on paper at least, click on past the break.